Tips & Tricks of the Trade

Check List & you will be ready to take on your Skate Day:

Check your Skate Bag "are your skates in their" don't laugh many times Tabetha has left them out to dry and guess who runs back for them,lol You should have taken them out or opened your bag to dry over night with your: Waxel Pads, Gloves, Towel, Soakers do you have your music/CD,Tape if you have a program to run through? If you did not air out and dry your tricks of the trade as we call them Then Ask yourself how prepared am I to train and be all I can be. Check list: Do you have a bottle of water or replacement of fluid? Skates Waxel Pads Gloves Fresh towel Tissues Music jump rope spinner stretch bands papers you may needed signed for testing/competition? Punch card/skate session card pre-paid... Did I get ready and have enough time to get there on time before your class or lesson to stretch? Did I have to bring my Home work to do in the car or between classes or lessons? Skaters so often run around short on time and do last min things short-cuts for the most Important things. I speak from years of experience trust me when I say this is so. Best one is do you have your Skates? Too many to count they are not in the car or bag??? Did you straight and run, jump rope.... before taking the Ice and did I do this after to cool down? Time management is a Life tool start now and you will be set for life. Your body is your best tool so protect it and be healthy. Get your rest so you can live your dream no matter if it is for a fun sport or training, being a mom-dad, friend or coach for the ultimate Goal in being someone many will look up to one day. Stay Safe and train protected. Your Waxel Pad Team.